Friday Uplift (3/20/2015)

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For it was you who formed my inward parts; 

 you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
wonderful are your works,
that I know very well. 
(Psalm 139:13-14)

Another week of Psalm 139, but this little psalm continues to have a lot to say to us.
This is probably the most well known part of this psalm, and people use it a lot to remind us that we have been created by God.
And that’s good.
In fact, that’s really good to remember.
It’s a reminder that even while we were becoming life, God was there.
God had a hand in making you YOU.
But even more than that – it’s good to remember the last little part of verse 14: I know your works are wonderful…
Sometimes, even more than we need the reminder that God made us in the first place, we need to hear that God makes wonderful things.
God doesn’t just make thing, but makes wonderful things.
This is important.
It’s a reminder that we need when sometime our bodies seem less than wonderful.
When we are sick or struggling or even barely hanging on.
God didn’t create once and then stop, God is STILL creating.
STILL knitting you together when you’re broken.
STILL making things new and wonderful.

I hear this little verse and I immediately think of a song called “beautiful things” by Gungor.
Watch/listen here.
This song reminds me that even in the less than wonderful moments – God is still making beautiful things.
STILL.  Even now.
Even you.